A Personal Story.
How I decided to become a Counsellor & Psychotherapist in Salford. I was born in London in 1953 and moved to Salford when I was four (with a “cockney accent” so I’m told).
In the mid eighties, I suffered what today would be classed as a “burnout”. I thought at the time I was losing my mind. On reflection I was suffering from severe stress. Anxiety and anger issues were pressing down on me and causing me to have nightmares, shingles and unbelievable physical tension in my neck and upper back.
Still, I was reluctant to go to counselling (35 years ago there was a stigma particularly with men, and I was no different). But I was desperate. My enlightened GP sent me to the Red House, in Salford, where I was introduced to the dark art of counselling.

The journey to becoming a qualified Counsellor & Psychotherapist in Salford
I confided in my wife but no one else. Four months later, after 12 sessions, I had come out of that dark place, psychologically, emotionally and physically coping with my lot better. It was a good start. It had unknowingly changed the course of my life.
In 1997, I was doing some work with some homeless individuals, and I was unable to help them as I wished. A friend suggested that maybe if I went on a counselling foundation course I could be of more use to them. So I did.
So you can see my journey which led me to becoming a qualified counsellor began when first I was sitting in the “client’s chair”.
Since that time I have increasingly recognised that counselling in its many different guises and models is a powerful means of empowering each one of us. See my Counselling page for more information about how I work.
I am a qualified registered Senior Accredited Counsellor with the British Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists. My initial qualification was as a Person Centred Counsellor 2001.
In addition I am a qualified Accredited hypnotherapist, registered with The Hypnotherapy Association.
I am also trained and qualified to the level of Advanced certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
I am an Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprogramming (EMDR) Europe Trained Therapist and a member of the EMDR Association.
I have trained extensively in the Enneagram, I have practised Mindfulness since 1996.
Alongside this I have twenty years experience of working with clients covering many thousands of sessions.